The best flower stem stripper
available today !
The D-THORN Flower Stem Stripper
The D-THORN Flower Stem Stripper
The best flower stem stripper you can get !
The D-THORN Flower Stem Stripper
Whenever you are removing thorns and foliage from rose stems, or for that matter any flower that you require to strip of foliage or thorns for your arrangement, you would either prepare the stems before you begin your arrangement, or you have to put down your floral work each time you need to strip a stem, as you need both hands to do this. From natives like proteas, banksias and leucodendrons to more delicate blooms such as roses or carnations, wouldn't it be nice to have a flower stem stripper that requires just one hand to operate, doesn't force you to put down your work and lose your line or design, doesn't disappear in the piles of clippings, is less likely to cause injury, doesn't break or damage your stems and which you can rely on to keep on giving great results ?
Take a look at the D-Thorn stem stripper. You will want one.. or several.
What's wrong with what we are using now ?
In a word, nothing... If you are like the rest of us, you have been using the same tools for so long and we are so used to them that we have not even considered looking for an alternative.
Yet when you are preparing for a wedding, a reception or a corporate event, or even in your normal business day where you are stripping literally hundreds of flower stems, you need to be efficient, fast and able to operate with minimum wastage. You need to know where your equipment is, not look for it in the clippings. You can do without injuries, without losing the line of your work and without creating a pile of clippings and foliage on your workbench in which your tools have a habit of disappearing. With a bin under your D-Thorn tool, all your clippings will fall neatly out of your way and be ready for disposal.
There are a number of stem cleaning tools on the market for this purpose, most of which are a variation on a similar theme, and a few that are more innovative, yet D-Thorn is the first and only floristry tool that truly does what its name suggests, and with some obvious advantages, not least of which is the ability to clean stems with just one hand..
Does this sound familiar ?
1: Needing both hands to perform the thorn removal / stem cleaning, putting your work down and therefore losing the design and / or line of your work.
2: Running the risk of injury where there are thorns, or needing to wear gloves, making the task more cumbersome and time consuming.
3: Worrying about dropping the tool where it can be lost among all the foliage and clippings, costing you time and loss of concentration, not to mention additional expense.
4: Having to look for the tool every time you need it, as it is small and easily misplaced and not everyone puts it back in its place, which is annoying and time wasting.
5: Breaking or damaging valuable stems through uneven pressure applied to the tool manually, which can also result in scoring the stem and ruining yet another flower.. More expense.
6: Tallying up more expense with the purchase of extra tools and flowers.
D-Thorn is designed by a florist to overcome all of these issues and make the task much more enjoyable and efficient.
D-Thorn is a very simple utensil. It consists of two parts held together by a centre pin, and activated by the pull of a spring. It is that very simplicity that makes it so appealing and durable.
When open, the spring is positioned in such a way as to remain perfectly balanced under moderate tension without closing the tool until a stem is inserted into the slot.
With a minimal push of the stem in the direction of the arrow (See below), the spring is then off centre and pulls the rotating part to the closed position around your stem.
As the stem is being pulled through, the spring maintains the correct pressure around the changing diameter of the stem until it is pulled all the way out and the tool is then in the closed position.
You will also note that D-Thorn is designed to be affixed to the work bench via the 4 screw holes, making stem stripping a one-handed operation as well as an impossibility to lose the tool. Of course, the positioning of the tool on the work bench will need to be strategic in order to avoid accidental injury to the user as they walk past.
This is the new, practical, economical and convenient way of stripping flowers of unwanted thorns and foliage. It is extremely popular among the many florists who already use it.

D-Thorn is efficient, durable and easy to get used to. All of the florists who have bought a D-Thorn stem stripper agree that this is the best tool they have ever used for stripping flowers.

The D-Thorn flower stem stripper is simplicity itself, which is arguably the reason for its popularity. Once you have used a D-Thorn stripper, it is hard to imagine using anything else again.
..but don't take our word for it.
Get one today. See for yourself why so many florists are already using this innovative floristry tool.